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Sheep Fencing: Save Livestock & Money

Posted By  Postsaver Team  On December 1, 2014

Sheep Fencing: Save Livestock & Money

Every sheep farm needs good quality sheep fencing. Although it can be costly to purchase and install, it’s important to spend out for the benefits that it provides. It really is an investment. Once you have it in place, it can be modified and replaced without it needing to cost huge amounts. You have to know what you’re doing, find a supplier who will help and plan your approach, knowing that you can save money and sheep over time. Here are a few options for you to consider:

Perimeter Sheep Fencing

This is the most crucial element of any system of sheep fencing. It’s of paramount importance to prevent foxes and other threats from entering your land and helping themselves to your costly livestock. It’s imperative that the fencing is both sturdy and well installed. Perimeter fences that are commonplace are high-tensile wire.

Tensile Wire

The tensile wire used for sheep fencing contains more cross-strands than can be found on the type of fencing used for cattle. This has two benefits: It will work better to keep the sheep in and the predators out. In order to cater for the size of lambs, the bottom part of the fence will have wires that are closer together.

Barbed Wire

Barbed wire can be dangerous to sheep, so it’s usually added just to top of fencing to put a stop to any predators that climb. Catching on fleece or even entangling sheep and causing serious injury or death is not something that any sheep farmer wants.

This is why the high tensile wire is the most popular choice. It is also weather-resistant and less likely to corrode.

If you are installing a high tensile wire fence, consider protecting your posts with Postsaver Pro-Sleeves. Although you may purchase top quality timber, it will still gain years of extra use through the protection that Postsaver Pro-Sleeves give.

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Installing post rot protectors is a smart investment that saves time, money, and hassle by guaranteeing posts against rot. Independently tested and proven, with millions sold worldwide.
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Postsaver manufactures and supplies guaranteed post rot protection that is proven to extend the life of wooden fence and gate posts. Our patented rot protection is independently tested and proven in volume use since 1994.
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*When applied to posts that meet the requirements of BS8417:2012 - UC4 (Use Class 4). See guarantee for details
**Based on not having to replace your fence in 10 years time due to post failure.

Postsaver uses long term independent test data on the effectiveness of barrier sleeves and wraps to reach all the conclusions given on this website (test data available on request). Based on this data, Postsaver believes longer life, maintenance of strength over time, improved safety and reliability, extended inspection periods and reduced maintenance requirements are reasonable claims. This is subject to Postsaver products being correctly applied as per our instructions and used on correctly preservative treated (for long term in-ground use - use class 4 or higher) wooden fence posts that are free of decay at the time of rot protection application. The claims made, real or implied are not warranties. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and satisfy themselves that the performance of the product meets their specific safety, reliability, extended inspection, repair and any other performance or cost-benefit criteria before using Postsaver rot protectors
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