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Fencing Contractors

Increase Profit & Protect Your Reputation

Postsaver Green Tick
Postsaver rot protection is the low-cost solution to protecting your reputation and making you extra profit
Postsaver Green Tick
Trusted by thousands of contractors worldwide
Postsaver Green Tick
Extra benefits are available via our Approved Installer Programme

Increased margins

Postsaver’s low cost rot protection allows you to sell a premium product at a premium price, increasing your profits

Protect your reputation

Our independently proven products and 20 year guarantee make it easy to maintain and protect your reputation

Easy to apply

All our rot protectors are quick and easy to apply, there is also rapidly growing supply of pre-protected posts available

Extra Margin

How Much Extra Revenue Can I Make Fitting Postsaver?


Postsaver Protected Posts Sold / Year
3 x 3" = 5,000 
4 x 4" = 10,000
Approximate Extra Profit

Make a minimum of £1 extra profit on each sleeved post

Used, Stocked & Trusted By
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How Does Postsaver Work? 

Postsaver rot protector’s exclude all the factors required for decay, locking preservative in and moisture, oxygen and fungi out. Preventing costly ground-line rot in your wooden posts.
Watch video to learn more
Dual-Layer Rot Prevention Technology
Independently Tested & Proven Over 20+ Years
20 or 40 Year Post-Replacement Guarantee

Postsaver's Three Step Protection Process

1. Enable Dual-Layer Barrier
Postsaver Pro-Wraps feature a dual-layer barrier protection system, that creates a long-lasting air and water-tight seal around the post
2. Locks In Preservative
This dual-layer seal ensures that over the post’s life the wood preservatives are locked inside the post and do not leach out over time.
3. Lock Out Causes Of Decay
The dual-layer seal also locks out all the factors required for decay to occur including moisture, fungi and oxygen at the critical ground-line (up to 6” or 150mm below ground) of the post.

The Seal Of Confidence – Heat Application

With an inner bituminous sealant which melts on heating, Postsaver rot protection is the only rot prevention product that penetrates the surface of the post. 

The non-toxic barrier sleeve also reduces ground contamination, supporting your environmental goals.
During heat application, two things happen:
The inner sealant melts and penetrates into the surface of the wood
The outer polythene barrier shrinks down on-top to add a second layer of protection
20 or 40 Year Guarantee

Contractor Rot Protection Range

Regular Protection

Standard Wrap Length

20-Year Post Replacement Guarantee

Ideal for Fencing

Used by Homeowners & Contractors

Guarantees a Long Service Life for Treated Timber

+PLUS Protection

Double-Length, Double Life Option

40-Year Post Replacement Guarantee

Ideal for Decking, Pergolas, Gate Posts & Agricultural Use

Used by Homeowners, Specifiers, Contractors & Industrial Contractors

Guarantees a Service Life for Treated Timber to Rival Concrete, Steel & Wood Plastic Composites

Regular Protection – 20 Year Guarantee

350mm Long
Ideal For Fencing & Landscaping
Available In 3 Variations To Suit All Projects
Pro-Sleeve (Trade Only)
For Standard Sized Fence Posts
Homeowners Fencing Guide - Pro-Tips Use Postsaver Pro-Sleeves
Pro-Sleeve's Fit:
3 x 3” – 5 x 5”
75 x 75 – 125 x 125mm
3 – 6”
75 – 150mm
Pro-Sleeve’s are our original product designed to be quickly and easily used across a a range of standard sized wooden posts
For Standard Sized Posts & Gateposts
Postsaver Pro-Sleeve Wrap
Pro-Wrap's Fit:
3 x 3” – 8 x 8”
75 x 75 – 200 x 200mm
3 – 10”
75 – 250mm
Available in three handy sizes for standard post sizes, Pro-Wraps wrap around the post and stick to themselves with a self adhesive strip to form a sleeve
Pro-Wrap & Tack
For Universal Post & Sleeper Protection
Postsaver Pro-Sleeve Wrap & Tack
Pro-Wrap & Tack Fits:
All Post Sizes
All Post Sizes
Pro-Wrap & Tack is ideal for odd sized posts and sleepers. Supplied in a 5 metre roll you simply wrap, cut and staple in place to fit any post size or wooden sleepers

+PLUS Protection – 40 Year Guarantee

700mm Long
Ideal For Commercial & Structural
Wrap, Peel, Stick & Heat Onto The Post
Pro-Wrap +PLUS (Trade Only)
For All Round & Square Post Sizes
Simply wrap, peel, stick and heat shrink to enable our guarantee.
Postsaver Green Tick
40-Year Post Replacement Guarantee
Postsaver Green Tick
Specially designed for infrastructure, agricultural and commercial applications
Postsaver Green Tick
Non-toxic, environmentally friendly barrier which reduces ground contamination
Postsaver Green Tick
No licensing or compliance requirements
Pro-Wrap +PLUS Fits:
3” x 3” – 8” x 8”
75 x 75 – 200 x 200mm
3” – 10”
75 – 250mm

Rot Protection Application Options

Heat apply Postsaver Rot Protector’s easily in low and high volumes with our range of application equipment

Gas Blowtorch

Low-Volume Application
Postsaver Sievert Blow Torch
Applies a rot protector in < 60 seconds
Lightweight and portable
Two blowtorch options available to suit a range of budgets & requirements
Easy on-site application
Watch Demo Video


High-Volume Application Machine
Up to 360 posts per hour
Manufactured, supplied & supported by Wood-Mizer
Cost effective application with payment plans available
Watch Demo Video

Proven & Independently Tested

Based on 20+ years of excellent independent test data by BRE, Europe's largest timber test organisation, we have the confidence required to back our range with either a 20 or 40 year, post replacement guarantee.
Request test data
Based on our excellent BRE EN252 Independent Test Results
Postsaver Pro-Sleeves Meets EN252 Standards
Tested to BSI EN252:2014 Standards
Postsaver Meets AWPA Standards
Meets The Requirements Of A.W.P.A. P20-18 BP1 Barrier Products
Postsaver Is a ISO 9001 Certified Company
ISO 9001:2015
Certified Company
About Us

Why Choose Postsaver?

Established in 1994, our family run business is dedicated to increasing the life of wooden posts and saving you and your business time and stress from premature failures.

With our range of post protection and installation products, Postsaver makes it easy to install long-lasting, hassle-free fencing for your customers.

We pride ourselves on offering proven products backed up with great customer service.
Richard & Jim George
Postsaver Approved Installer Logo
Post Rot Protection

Become an Approved Installer

Postsaver Green Tick
Extra 5% trade discount & £100 voucher for every £1000 spent
Postsaver Green Tick
Increased visibility, leads and enquiries
Postsaver Green Tick
Boost image through accreditation
Learn More

How Can I Purchase Postsaver products?

Full Range Available
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You can also call our friendly team on 01452 849322
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Postsaver Trade Customer Benefits

Postsaver Trade Prices

Trade Pricing

Once we've approved your shop login you'll have full access to discounted trade prices, allowing you to make increased margins supplying Postsaver's full range of products.

Customer Support

The Postsaver team is on hand to support you with anything you might need when using our products. Whether it's an application query, technical product question, or special order, we're always here to help!

Marketing & Free Point Of Sale Materials

We support all of our trade customers with the correct marketing and point of sale material, helping your customers understand the features and benefits of Postsaver products.

Who Is Eligible?

Merchant Retailers, Landscapers and Contractors, Manufacturers and Wholesalers, Architects and Large Landowners.

Questions? Contact Us Today

Claire Owen - Postsaver Sales

Claire Owen - Sales Manager

Tel: +44 1452 849322
Email Claire Owen
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Postsaver manufactures and supplies guaranteed post rot protection that is proven to extend the life of wooden fence and gate posts. Our patented rot protection is independently tested and proven in volume use since 1994.
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Copyright © 2025 Postsaver Europe Ltd. All rights Reserved.
*When applied to posts that meet the requirements of BS8417:2012 - UC4 (Use Class 4). See guarantee for details
**Based on not having to replace your fence in 10 years time due to post failure.

Postsaver uses long term independent test data on the effectiveness of barrier sleeves and wraps to reach all the conclusions given on this website (test data available on request). Based on this data, Postsaver believes longer life, maintenance of strength over time, improved safety and reliability, extended inspection periods and reduced maintenance requirements are reasonable claims. This is subject to Postsaver products being correctly applied as per our instructions and used on correctly preservative treated (for long term in-ground use - use class 4 or higher) wooden fence posts that are free of decay at the time of rot protection application. The claims made, real or implied are not warranties. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and satisfy themselves that the performance of the product meets their specific safety, reliability, extended inspection, repair and any other performance or cost-benefit criteria before using Postsaver rot protectors
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