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About Us

Protecting Your Investment

We are dedicated wood life extension specialists. Our mission is to support you with the tools and products you need to protect your fence posts and the investment in your fence for years to come


30+ Countries Supplied Too


10+ Million Rot Protectors Sold


30 Years In Business
Since 1994

Award Winning Family Run Business

Our CEO; Richard first came up with the idea for Postsaver in the early ’90s.

After having some newly replaced posts rot and fall over after just a few years, Richard knew there must be a better way. After approaching his brother Jim, they used years of experience working in the plastics industry to develop a revolutionary new product to stop ground-line rot for good.

Six months later, the first generation of Postsaver was born.

Originally consisting of a boot which covered the entirety of the post under the ground, the first generation went through rigorous initial testing with great initial results.

However, testing soon revealed that because there was no fungi and oxygen deeper in the ground, there was no need for a ‘boot’. It was at this point that the sleeve we still sell today was developed and tested in its very first incarnation.

Since the ’90s, we have slowly improved and bettered the performance of our sleeves to the latest generation we sell today. Even right from the start, our sleeves have been capable of a guaranteed 20-year life. With each small improvement, their performance gets better and better.

Our dedication to providing a truly excellent, proven, and an independently tested product backed up with fantastic customer service has helped us reach over 7 Million sleeves sold around the world and counting.
Postsaver - Millenium Products Award Winner
Millenium Products Award Winners
Postsaver - As seen on Dragons Den
As Seen On...
Postsaver - ISO 9001 Certified Company
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
AWPA Member
AFA Member

Our Mission

To maximise the lifespan and reduce the environmental impact of structural timber products used in ground contact by promoting the use of high quality, cost effective, life extension products backed up with excellent customer service and support.

Save wood, Save trees, Protect The Environment

Meet The Postsaver Team

Richard George
Jim George
Tony Young
Head Of Sales
Gary Hopwood
Operations Manager
Maria McCann
Dispatch Manager
Leila Blackmore
Communications Manager
Claire Owen
Sales Manager
Claire Powell
Marketing Manager
Henry George
Marketing Support
Mick Dugan - Production Director
Mick Dugan
Production Director
Production Manager - Richard Dugan
Richard Dugan
Production Manager
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Postsaver manufactures and supplies guaranteed post rot protection that is proven to extend the life of wooden fence and gate posts. Our patented rot protection is independently tested and proven in volume use since 1994.
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Copyright © 2025 Postsaver Europe Ltd. All rights Reserved.
*When applied to posts that meet the requirements of BS8417:2012 - UC4 (Use Class 4). See guarantee for details
**Based on not having to replace your fence in 10 years time due to post failure.

Postsaver uses long term independent test data on the effectiveness of barrier sleeves and wraps to reach all the conclusions given on this website (test data available on request). Based on this data, Postsaver believes longer life, maintenance of strength over time, improved safety and reliability, extended inspection periods and reduced maintenance requirements are reasonable claims. This is subject to Postsaver products being correctly applied as per our instructions and used on correctly preservative treated (for long term in-ground use - use class 4 or higher) wooden fence posts that are free of decay at the time of rot protection application. The claims made, real or implied are not warranties. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and satisfy themselves that the performance of the product meets their specific safety, reliability, extended inspection, repair and any other performance or cost-benefit criteria before using Postsaver rot protectors
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