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Fencing Contractors Near Me

Finding approved fencing companies & installers can be challenging, so we’ve hand vetted a selection of Approved Installers to help you find the best tradesperson for your fencing job.



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All Approved Installers can fit Postsaver rot protection
Guaranteed Posts

Postsaver Rot Protection

Postsaver rot protection guarantees your posts from ground rot for 20 years. 
All of our fencing contractors are trained and approved to fit Postsaver Rot Protection to your fencing job if you request it. 
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Top tips for choosing the right fencing contractor

Get multiple quotes to ensure a fair price
Ask for examples of previous work
Agree the job verbally + in writing

What services can you expect from an approved fencing installer?

Fence Selection

A quality fencing contractor such as the ones we recommend will be help you able to understand the range of posts and panels available to make sure you get the type and style of fence your looking for to complement your garden & outdoor space

Fence Prep

As part of every job, some preparation work will be required, perhaps a tree needs cutting back or removal of an existing fence. A typical fencing contractor will be able to help you with this or even recommend another tradesperson to help instead to make sure you’re all set for your new fence.

Ability to fit Postsaver as part of the job

Each approved installer listed is trained and qualified to fit Postsaver rot protection as part of your next fencing project. If you choose to fit Postsaver then you can be safe in the knowledge that your fence posts will be guaranteed and protected from ground-line rot for 20 years to make sure your fence stays standing and the investment in your fence is protected.

Fence Installation

Installing the fence is the next step and that involves all the hard graft, digging the holes, removing any existing fence, setting the new posts, attaching the panels and adding the finishing touches. If you have more questions about what’s involved in fence installation then ask your contractor.

Fence Finishing

Most fencing installers and fencing companies will offer a finishing service of either painting your fence and it’s panels with paint or staining them with a product like Creostain. Both techniques can really help set your new fence off so it fit’s in perfectly with your garden and lasts even longer thanks to the extra protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do wooden fences last?

The longevity of a wooden fence depends on a number of factors, most notably the type of wood and how it is treated and maintained. Factors such as climate, sun exposure and weather conditions will also play a part. In any case, regular upkeep and repairs will significantly improve the longevity of your wooden fence.

Well-maintained hardwoods such as cedar, redwood and oak have lifespans of between 20 to 30 years, whilst softwoods such as pine and spruce can last between 15 and 20 years if they have been properly treated and maintained.

Most modern fence panels will be treated during the manufacturing process, either through dip treatment or pressure treatment.

Dip-treated panels are immersed in a preservative solution that provides protection against rot, and decay. If you’re opting for dip-treated panels, it’s recommended that you install a gravel board to avoid direct contact with wet ground and re-treat the panels once a year. On average, dip-treated fence panels last between 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of wood. If you’re using gravel boards don’t forget to add a hole for wildlife to pass through your fence.

Pressure-treated panels have an anti-rot preservative solution forced into the cellular structure of the wood at high pressure. Pressure-treated panels tend to offer enhanced resistance against rot and decay and don’t require you to keep up with annual re-treatments. On average, pressure-treated fence panels last between 10 to 15 years, depending on the type of wood.

The weakest part of any fence is the posts. In the case of wooden posts, they are highly susceptible to ground-line rot and decay and without additional protection can rot through at ground level in as little as 5-10 years depending on soil conditions. It’s worth considering rot protection products if you’re looking to use wooden posts as, with Postsaver protection applied, they are then guaranteed for 20 years.

What is the standard height of a fence?

Whilst you can find custom designs that will accommodate a range of size specifications, most manufactures tend to conform to a set of standardised heights.

These usually include 3ft, 4ft, 5ft and 6ft options. If your fence exceeds 2 metres in the back garden or 1 metre in the front garden, then you may need to request a permit from your local planning authority.

It's a good idea to conduct your own measurements, even when purchasing standard-sized panels. Remember to include the addition of gravel boards and trellising when considering the height of your fence.

How do you calculate the cost of a fence?

Before you begin measuring your garden or field, it’s important that you understand where your property boundaries are. Most modern properties will have details of boundary ownership in their title deeds.

If your garden isn’t too large, you calculate the length of your fence using a 100-foot tape measure. Pitch stakes or posts at the corners and measure between to calculate the length of each side, and ensure that the tape is taut to get an accurate reading.

If you’re dealing with a field or large garden, there are various long-distance measuring devices that you can use, including measuring wheels and GPS measuring tools. Measuring wheels are a particularly accurate option when needing to account for slopes, hills and irregular land shapes.

Once you know the length of your garden perimeter, divide this number by the length of the fence panels you intend to buy – this will give you the number of units that you require to fence the area.

How do you calculate the length of a fence?

To calculate the cost of a fence, you’ll need to measure the perimeter of your garden to see how many fencing panels you require.

You can input this length along with desired post spacing into an online fence calculator to get an estimate of your fencing materials. Typically, post spacing ranges between 6 to 8 ft.

It’s also important to factor in the cost of contractors, which can cost between £150-£400 a day in the UK. Considering the cost of materials and installation, a typical budget for a new 36-foot fence in the UK can range between £700 to £1,000.

Can I put up an 8ft fence in the UK?

8ft equates to approximately 2.4 metres, which exceeds the standard guideline height of 2 metres in the UK.

Whilst this isn’t a universal rule, if you want to put up an 8ft fence in the UK it’s recommended that you consult with your local planning authority to ensure that your fencing is in accordance with local regulations.

Do I need permission to put up a fence?

As long as your fence is within your property’s boundaries and doesn’t exceed local height limitations, you shouldn’t need permission to erect a fence.

Having said this, it's considered good courtesy to consult with your adjoining neighbours before you put your fence up to inform them of the change. This will allow them to prepare for the construction period where there may be no physical barrier dividing your properties, which could pose a risk if they have small children or animals.

What’s the minimum height for a boundary fence?

Whilst there is no legal limitation on how short your fence can be (or even a requirement to have one at all), it’s worth considering privacy and security concerns when deciding on the height of your fence.

However, if your property borders a footpath or other public area, then there may be regulations in place that require you to have certain fencing. If pedestrians use the bordering area, then this will also involve a duty of care that requires your fence to be safe and non-hazardous. This usually means that you can’t use theft deterrents such as barbed wire or smashed glass concrete as they may pose a risk to passers by. It's recommended that you consult with your local planning authority to receive clarification.

How high can a fence be between neighbours?

Whilst there is no specific legal limit set for the height of a fence shared between neighbouring properties, most local planning authorities require a permit for fences that exceed 2 metres in height.

It’s good etiquette to speak with your neighbours about your fencing plans however, as they may have personal concerns or requests regarding taller fences that may block light to their own garden.
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Postsaver manufactures and supplies guaranteed post rot protection that is proven to extend the life of wooden fence and gate posts. Our patented rot protection is independently tested and proven in volume use since 1994.
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*When applied to posts that meet the requirements of BS8417:2012 - UC4 (Use Class 4). See guarantee for details
**Based on not having to replace your fence in 10 years time due to post failure.

Postsaver uses long term independent test data on the effectiveness of barrier sleeves and wraps to reach all the conclusions given on this website (test data available on request). Based on this data, Postsaver believes longer life, maintenance of strength over time, improved safety and reliability, extended inspection periods and reduced maintenance requirements are reasonable claims. This is subject to Postsaver products being correctly applied as per our instructions and used on correctly preservative treated (for long term in-ground use - use class 4 or higher) wooden fence posts that are free of decay at the time of rot protection application. The claims made, real or implied are not warranties. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and satisfy themselves that the performance of the product meets their specific safety, reliability, extended inspection, repair and any other performance or cost-benefit criteria before using Postsaver rot protectors
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